Serve in Worship

Our ministries at St. Andrew’s, including our Sunday worship services, are only possible because of the many people who give of their time and efforts. If you are willing and interested in volunteering at St. Andrew’s, below are some of our ministries that are currently in need of volunteers. For additional information, contact the church office at 301-864-8880 or

Altar Guild – Members of the of the Altar Guild assist with worship by setting up and clearing the altar before and after worship services, cleaning and storing the silver vessels used in the celebration of Holy Communion, and arranging flowers that are placed in front of the altar during worship services.

Altar Servers – Altar servers assist the priest each Sunday morning by carrying the processional cross or candles, assisting in preparing the altar for Holy Communion, and distributing Holy Communion to worshippers.

Readers (Lectors) – Readers assist in worship on Sunday morning by reading the appointed passages from the Bible or reading the prayers.

Greeters – Greeters perform an essential ministry of hospitality on Sunday mornings by welcoming people arriving for worship services, distributing bulletins to worshippers, and assisting visitors with any needs they may have. 

Counters – Each Sunday, our counters work in teams of two to count the monetary offerings given during worship services and make bank deposits.
