
If you are planning to be married in the near future, we would like to congratulate you!  Weddings are a joyous occasion, and we welcome you to consider St. Andrew’s as the location for your celebration. All couples, regardless of sexual orientation and gender, may be married at St. Andrew’s. Though you do not need to be an Episcopalian to be married here, the Episcopal Church does require that one person in the couple be a baptized Christian (we recognize baptisms performed in other Christian churches and denominations), and the ceremony must be Christian in nature.



If you are interested in celebrating your wedding at St. Andrew’s, please contact us at least six months prior to your desired wedding date, at or 301-864-8880.  Typically, one of the priests associated with St. Andrew’s officiates at weddings. Officiants or ministers of other churches are occasionally permitted to officiate with the appropriate approvals.
