What we believe...

As Christians, we believe first and foremost that we are called to live as followers of Jesus in the world. We believe God created humanity to live in love and in fellowship with God, with one another, and with all creation. We believe that God entered into the world in the person of Jesus. In his life, teachings, death, and resurrection, Jesus embodies the depth and breadth of God’s love and reveals to us how we and all creation may be transformed to live more fully into that love. In the sacraments of baptism and communion (a.k.a. Holy Communion, Holy Eucharist, the Mass, or the Lord’s Supper), we experience directly the loving, redeeming, and transforming presence of Jesus. As the love of God is revealed to us in the person of Jesus, so also the sacraments of baptism and communion reveal Jesus to us and make his presence known. We believe in the Holy Spirit – the power of God that dwells within us, guiding and empowering us to live as Jesus’ followers in the world. We also believe that our relationship with God is not limited to our earthly life alone but is eternal.


As followers of Jesus, we believe we are called to:

 gather regularly with others to worship and to participate in the sacraments (baptism and communion).

pray, individually and as a community, for ourselves, for the well-being of others, and for the world.

 continue learning about our Christian faith and how we may live more fully and faithfully in the world.

• care for others, pursue justice, and guard the dignity of every human being.

 create and participate in a church community that welcomes all people regardless of age, gender, race, ethnicity, family status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other label our society places upon people.

be faithful stewards of the natural world and support the mission of the church through our prayers, participation, gifts, and service.

Want to know more?


Some Useful Resources

A People Called Episcopalians:  A Brief Introduction to Our Way of Life – John H. Westerhoff with Sharon Ely Pearson, 2014.
Walk in Love:  Episcopal Beliefs and Practices – Scott Gunn & Melody Wilson Shobe, 2018.
Your Faith, Your Life: An Invitation to the Episcopal Church – Jenifer Gamber, 2017. 

The website of the Episcopal Church contains brief summaries of our basic beliefs.  You may access that section of the website here.
