Become a Member...

You do not need to be a member of St. Andrew’s to participate in worship or other church activities. All are welcome to participate, and we encourage you to get to know the church before becoming a member. 


Becoming a member of the church is not the same as joining a social club or civic organization; rather, it is an expression of a desire to deepen your relationship with God, deepen your relationship with the congregation, and to spiritually grow. When an individual becomes a member, they promise to follow Jesus and to support the life and ministry of the congregation with their presence, prayers, service, and giving. The congregation promises to welcome the new member and to support the new member as they seek to grow in faith.


The first step in becoming a member of St. Andrew’s is to spend some time getting to know the congregation, the Episcopal Church, and the Christian faith by worshipping with us and participating in other church events and classes as you are able. 


To schedule a meeting with our interim rector – the Rev. Linda Calkins – to discuss membership, you may email her directly at 
